I just wanted to share this with you: Nov. 2011 is a very powerful moment in time. 11.11 opens a Double Portal. There are only 10 opportunities to experience this simple, sacred 11.11 equation between month and year in a millenium. This 1st opportunity, 11. 2011 is special since the "0" pre-cedes the 11 and imbues all with divine protection. THAT phoenomenon only happens once in a 1000 years!
SO--on 11.11.11 this powerful portal will activate in triplicate! anything that manifests 3 times is given the ultimate power-tool: Creative Perfection. The Triple Portal Gateway on 11.11.11
will allow your heart & soul to "remember" your true origins and to connect to your ultimate source.
BREATHE IN your perfect vision of the future and BREATHE OUT your resistance to that vision. Keep breathing in and out with focused intention. Breath and Pulse are YOUR Spiritual Connection to God.
Namaste, (The Divine in me honors the Divine in you) ~ I LOVE YOU ~
Kimberly Uhl