Spring 2016 Schedule
Home Events Special Rates until March 1st ,2016 Contact Kimberly at katu9@aol.com or phone 610-367-1017
Berks County TV Series of Tuning In : Live 2/9/2016 at 8:00 Pm
Kimberly Uhl , Spiritual Enlightenment , hosts guest ,Maxx Angenetta Jones , Your Earth Angel to discuss " Love is in the Air''. Call line 610-378-0426
Radiant Light Holistic Metaphysical Expo: March 5-6, 2016
Inn at Reading , 1040 N Park Rd.Reading, Pa. 19610
Saturday 10-6 Sunday 10-5 Admission $7.
70 quality vendors sharing wellbeing, Products, Services, Healing & Knowledge Free Guest Speakers too;-) Kimberly is now taking pre-registration for Appointments of either Readings, Matrix Energetix or Combination Sessions. Please contact her to guarantee the day and time of your preference for any of these Sessions. katu9@aol.com 610-367-1017
I am so looking forward to the wonderful Expo and am
currently taking pre-.booking appointments for Readings~$60 Matrix Energetix
$75 release wellness sessions to move forward in a more harmonious , balanced
and joy filled status , Matrix Combination Sessions $90. with Spiritual
Messages passed through during the wellness session which utilizes 3 modalities
to assist your Highest Health, Joy & Happiness moving forward now!
See you there!
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14th Spring MUM Spiritual Holistic Expo: May21&22, 2016
The Expo that opened another door...This is a big one !!! 160 Vendors, Free Lectures
Agri-Plex Center, Allentown Fairground, 302 N 17th St. Allentown, PA Admission $8. Sponsored by: Metaphysical Universal Ministries - MUM
Kimberly will be taking early pre-bookings for Appointments...try not to wait as this gets quite busy and she would like to be able to facilitate your session without your having to wait!
Readings, Matrix Energetix Release Wellness Sessions, Matrix Combination Sessions: Contact Kimberly at : katu9@aol.com 610-367-1017