March 3 & 4 ~~ RADIANT LIGHT HEALING & HOLISTIC EXPO. @ Riveredge Grand Ballroom, 2017 Bernville Rd., Reading, PA 19601 I'll be offering a FREE Lecture on the Matrix Energetix and hope to SEE all of you there! Contact early to reserve your preferred appointment time for a Reading, Matrix Energetix Wellness Session, or a Combination Session. 610-367-1017
March 7th ~~ Class on PENDULUMS, how to choose, how they assist in your daily life, and a meditation ~~ Preparing for a Full Moon! $10 /class size limited to 12. Contact ASAP to reserve YOUR space: 610-367-1017 NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE necessary!!! Time: 7pm Location: Spiritual Enlightenment, 435 Sweinhart Road, Boyertown, PA 19512
March 31-April 1st ~~ LIFE CELEBRATION SPIRITUAL & HOLISTIC SPRING EXPO @ The Reading Country Club, 5311 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, PA I'll be offering a FREE Lecture on the Matrix Energetix and look forward to seeing and assisting all those who are guided on your wellness journeys now! Contact to reserve your preferred appointment, time for either a Reading, Matrix Energetix Wellness Session, or a Combination Session. 610-367-1017
April 4th ~~ Class on ENERGY~INTUITIVE DEVELOPMENT, and a meditation! $10 /class size limited to 12. Contact ASAP to reserve YOUR space: 610-367-1017 NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE necessary!!! Time: 7pm Location: Spiritual Enlightenment, 435 Sweinhart Road, Boyertown, PA 19512
April 29th ~~ ENLIGHTENED ENCOUNTERS ~~ @ The Reading Country Club, 6311 Perkiomen Avenue, Reading, PA A "GALLERY of READINGS" where Kimberly will be presenting with 2 other Certified Mediums: Rose Moyer & Mathew Thomas. $30./person, Times: 12-2 pm and 3-5pm Everyone WILL receive individual messages for their highest good from Spirit Guides, Loved Ones Past, Pets, Angels, may also receive Medical advice, guidance on your life path now. Contact EARLY as this is a unique opportunity to embrace what messages are in store for YOU! Seating is LIMITED and this is a non-refundable event. 610-367-1017
Visit the website
June 16-17 ~~ SOLSTICE EXPO & HOLISTIC FAIR @ New Hope Eagle Fire House, 46 North Sugan Road, New Hope, PA 18938 Looking forward to SEEING and assisting all those who are guided to the services which I facilitate to enhance your life’s Wellness Journey & Highest Good! I'll be offering Readings, Matrix Energetix, and Combination Sessions.
June 23-24 ~~ DIVINE LIGHT HOLISTIC EXPO @ Gilbertsville Fire Company, 1454 E. Philadelphia Ave., Gilbertsville, PA 19525 I'll be offering a FREE Lecture on the Matrix Energetix and am looking forward to SEEING and assisting any and all of you who are guided to the services which I facilitate in order to enhance Wellness on YOUR life’s journey now!!! It's NEVER too early to reserve YOUR preferred appointment time!!! Contact 610-367-1017 for either a Reading, Matrix Energetix Wellness Session, or a Combination Session ~~